Monday 9 May 2011

£126 win, not much else. Happy birthday to my nigga Steve.

Sup faggots. So yeah not much has been happening at all recently. I've been playing some poker online, done okay on the cash games that's just about it no epic tourney wins to announce though! I deposited £10 earlier on bet 365 and hit zero with £3.50 on for £126 I didn't manage to screenshot the actual spin but I got a screenie of the spin but one after where I span the £16.50 remaining and withdrew the £110 for a cool £100 profit.

Here's a pic, peace out niggas <3

Tree fiddy on 0 bra


Thursday 28 April 2011

A dull few days...

Sup you fake empty fucks. Absolutely nothing good to report, it's been a really dull boring few days. Especially due to the fact I have me £300 winnings locked up and frozen on some stupid fucking bull shit site and can't have back until I can send photographic ID into them which I don't have access to until god knows how long. I've also been having a few goes on roulette with no joy, all that keeps on happening is heart aching gut wrenching bullshit. For instance... I log on the other day to Ladbrokes Live Roulette to place £2 on the number 2 and £8 on the number 0. Anyway, I manage to place the £2 on 2 and then before I can lay a single chip down on zero the Lithuanian cunt dealer announces no more bets and the ball casually lands in 0 which I was just 1.5 seconds away from sticking £8 on. Now, that may sound like a one off but honestly that has happened to me at least 18 times in the last few months and even happened again yesterday when I was selecting my table and 0 had just popped which pissed me the fuck off because if I had just logged on a few minutes earlier instead of stuffing my fucking face with a foot long tuna from subway I'd be £288 (plus stake back) richer. Then to make matters 100x worse, I load up the same table and decide instead of sticking my usual £8 on zero as it had just been out I'd switch it around and stick £2 on zero and £8 on 2. Low and behold I'm messing around with a fucking jalapeno that's dangling off my chin spreading it's semen of chili sauce everywhere to notice the time left to place a bet is literally 3 seconds. AGAIN! before I can lay a single chip on the number 2 the dealer has already announced ''2 Black'' to the table, I mean come the fuck on?!?! Who the fuck does that happen too twice a year? Let alone twice in 2 days that shit constantly constantly fucking happens. to me FML! Also nothing to report on the poker front haven't been playing much just been chilling having the odd spin. I might go and play the live donkament at the casino tonight, see if I can ship it, if not I'm gonna stay in and play a tourny on stars.

Peace and love negros, Anonymous <3

Saturday 23 April 2011

Ship the nickles, 3rd in the 5K GTD on Pokerstars!

Sup ya'll, 7 hours of solid play, alot of luck and a nice 3rd place finish for $513! (£311'ish) Great win very happy, re-cooperated some of my losses and lifted my confidence. Really can't be arse holed writing paragraphs of how it all went down as I have been playing for 10 hours straight and have had enough caffeine to keep a staff room full of teachers awake so I'll let these couple of pics do the talking, enjoy.
I'm the one who came 3rd obvs.

That's alot of cheeseburgers...

-Anonymous <3

Wednesday 20 April 2011

The £25 plate of chips and the £150 headache...

The scene is set, it was a beautiful sunny Sunday afternoon and amongst the busy roads and the council flats there is a glimmer of hope of going to the casino to play a live donkament. The donkament in question was a £25 NLhold'em double chance tourney, the structure unknown to me at the time was absolute shit but we'll get to that later.

So my friend gets the day off work and my brother gets the chance to put his new sat nav through it's paces as we go along the M5 to Walsall casino. Now, this place has just been renovated and is looking the dogs bollox, great card room place looks lush everything is looking great the scene couldn't have been better. As I walk past the many new shiny roulette wheels I am repeating same mantra to myself over and over - ''Play the donkament, ship the donkament don't borrow money of your friend for roulette'' I felt composed and in control of my urge to hit the devils wheel.

We regged for the donkament and was told we also get a free meal, this was really good and put a smile on my face as I knew I'd most likely not be eating for the next week because I'm bound to degen all my money off on roulette. The choice of food was Chicken leg and chips, or scampi and chips. Now, many a man in my position would have crumbled at the knees with all this choice that's on offer, but me being a none meat eater I had to stick to the standard plate of chips with a few sachets of ketchup. Grub aside I take my seat to realise I've just paid £25 for a bowl of chips and the opportunity to sit next to a bunch of people who are clearly retarded, have learning difficulties or both. This one woman takes 5 minutes to sit down moaning about who's sitting where and telling people they can't pick and choose where they sit. WELL DUUURRRR OBVIOUSLY that's why we're all sat around scrunched up this corner whilst your dumb ass gets the bottom of the table all to yourself.

SO I get playing, things started well and I played my game etc but to be honest I was just so disappointed in the structure and how shit it was that I had already given up hope from the very first hand. I know most casinos have adopted this structure and I just wanna state now that it is absolutely fucking terrible, 15 minute blinds and the blinds double every level which is fucking ridiculous and stupid, you get to play 3 hands an hour live too with these dumb fucks so your chances of progressing through this field of retards are very slim.

Anyway I busted out of the donkament retard fest and this is where the fun began, I began lending money off my friend having a spin, losing, having a spin losing etc etc. When I'm spinning I have at least £5 on 0 and £5 on 2, all day these numbers just didn't fucking pop. Anyway a few spins later and I've already borrowed £55 and not hit a single number. My friend who I've borrowed the money off on the other hand started off with £1 and has won atleast £130 by this point, and theres me not being able to hit a single fucking number arrrrgrhhhh!!!

I have a £20 spin and a £30 spin and realise I'm not gonna hit fuck all and decided to call it quits, I'm £105 in debt to my friend and I think that being £130 down so far is bad enough until this happens....

I'm sitting there, I've been really upping the ante and putting £8 on 0 £6 on 2 etc etc all fucking day, and obviously I'm losing. My friend steps up, sticks £20 on and places his numbers, (bearing in mind now that this is the first spin I've missed in ages) The balls going round and starts to drop and it lands in no other than the number fucking 2 my head sank into my hands quicker than my shit sank in the gents after the horrific ''free'' (£25 plate) plate of chips. What a fucking joke that was, I then monkey bolloxed and borrowed more money for a final big spin convinced I'd hit it, which as you can guess I never so there you have it, completely shit day. £175 down in total and pretty fucking annoying that I could never really hit a decent number. I obviously hit a few shitty nums but nothing major and nothing to really talk about just a completely standard Sunday afternoon in my sick small stake degen life.

I came home with a smile on my face though, I really did have fun spinning my heart out on the wheel of broken dreams, you have to remember it's nothing to ever be upset about it's just paper. It can't hug you and tell you it loves you and you certainly can't eat it. It's just paper that's had aload of filthy hands on it with a picture of some ugly old german slag it means nothing.

Remember folks, it's just a ride.


Friday 15 April 2011

Terrible night.

Hi how are ya etc etc. Anyway, introduction over let's get straight to business. I'll start by saying FUCK YOU FULL TILT POKER. That off my chest I'll start with tonights story.

So basically I'm waiitng for some money to go into the bank, I'm itching to have a go on Fool Tilt and had in my head that I'll just deposit £10 and have a bash at a shitty tourney. I deposit £10 ($16.28) and see their's nothing decent on so I lose it on rush poker cash. I then deposit another £10 and play omaha rush cash. This time I do okay and eventually leave with $50, here's a key hand that got my dollars up.

Anyway after being happy with my $50 I played a sit n go, lost then took some money onto hold 'em rush, which started out great but just slowly became so fucking horrific and brutal I dare even talk about it. Basically I never lost a big pot but a series of smallish ones me flopping a set, them a flush draw and them making there flush etc. Just the usual bullshit nothing to cry about. Anyway, had $8.70 left and decided to flip it ( to those who don't know a flip is a pre arranged all in pre flop between you and another person, you just sit down and go all in no matter what cards you're dealt) Anyway, that turned out to be a load of fucking shit as you can see in the picture below.

Flipping heck
So anyway, poker fail over I did what any stupid cunt degen in my situation would do and that's deposit my last £50 on roulette to see if I can win anything. Now, before I show you the pics you're probably guessing that this failed just as miserabley as the poker did and well, you're right. What fuck's me off about this is, is the fact that I couldn't hit a number on roullette if you picked me up and threw me on the fucking wheel. Anyway, enjoy the screenies.

Great start, £15 spin lands in 11, fuck you 11
There's a screenie missing forgot to save it, but basically I lose the last spin and won on this spin £1 on 32 red

Momentum, just hit 32 can I now hit a couple of numbers so I can withdraw and get the fuck out of here??

Nope, 29 last £22 spin, result was 23 red.

And there you have it, aload of pog wash. Should never have deposited on the live roullette. My inner voice was screaming ''Don't do it you fucking moron!'' but my stupid fat degen fingers deposited the last of my shit. Anyway as I was writing this post I deposited another £10 and had a spin, the ball was in my area but landed in 6. Fuck you 6. I really think that's a sign to give up, but I'll never give up I'm straight up degen for life yo! See screenie below.

Fuck you 6 you black bastard.

Goodnight all, take care xxxx


Thursday 14 April 2011

A mixed week

Sup cock lovers.

Okay to all 2 people reading this it's basiclaly been a mixed week. After final tabling the $11 knock out at fool tilt, I decided to play the ''Fifty Five'' ($55 Full Tilt tourney) Which was going well untill this hand happened.

Fuck you K/Q

This was just a ridiculous hand. Getting called in 2 spots too a huge raise by such marginal holdings is just such a shitter this early on in the tournament. They got it all in on the turn I obviously had to fold and then went out of the tournament the very next hand when I had A/J and flopped the ace and the nut flush draw but some pussy stain had A/Q which obviously fucking held up for him the gay bastard.

Anyway, with that over and in the past I took $15 onto rush poker $0.10/$0.25, left with $110 nothing great to take screenies off just standard luck boxing, flopping sets getting paid etc etc all though I did make a call for my last $31 with A/K ace high which I was pretty happy with :)!

I decided to play a $26 PLO (Pot limit omaha) tourney, 300 runners thought it'd be decent. Anyway my main aim was to ship this and I tried my best. I played really well in the beginning of this donkament and mid way stages, nothing great to screeny or talk about just the usual random crap that happens in such a donkament. It was down the the last 20 or so where I got real car dead and found it hard to try and open any pots or make any moves. Anyway I ended up ass clinging to the final table and managed to come 8th, see pic below

Ship them cheese burgers

 So that win took my account to $240. $20 to $240 in 2 nights aint too bad. I decided to play the remaining dollars making sure I had £100 GBP to withdraw ($165) which I did, which still hasn't reached the fucking bank fuck you full tilt!!!

So yeah, again no big wins but a step in the direction. This thing's pretty boring I know but I haven't been able to get to a casino to play live due to lack of fundage and full tilt not sending moneys to teh fucking bank!!

Anyway, I'll wrap it up there. Need to get slamming some serious roullette or hit the Sunday Million. Passport is due tomorrow so I should be able to make a pokerstars account and get depositing. Untill then, good luck all keep the dream alive and ship them cheese burgers!


Saturday 9 April 2011

5th in the $11 knock out bounty on fool tilt poker

Sup crew. So after much agonising and donk raping I finally clocked up a decentish result at Fool Tilt. Obviously I shoulda shipped this donkament but it just wasn't meant to be (again!)

My new found best pal who also staked me the other night sent me a $20 stake to try and ship an epic donkament at Fool Tilt. Thing's didn't start out to well busting out of some $6.50 shitty 90 man SNG but after 4 hours and 56 minutes I managed to come 5th in this donkament which is fucking ridiculous as I was raping this tourny from the last 3 tables all the way to the final table and got unlucky to ship it. Here's the final hand I played and how I busted. 

Obviously they have kings every fucking time

Even though a 5th place finish is okay I still felt very dissapointed I never shipped 1st or atleast 2nd. Fucking gut wrenching to see me have QQ after hours of solid play and just knew I was gonna lose, I knew he had K/K but your fingers click the fucking mouse and you've called and your out in 5th. Fuck you fingers you fat stubby fucks fuck you.

So that's it, no screenshots of key hands as I was too much in the zone yesterday and didn't wanna do anything to break my focus lulz I really thought I was gonna ship the donkament but as ever victory eludes me.
So I have some dollars now to play something decent, I left my mate who staked me a message too see if he wants to let the stake ride and enter a $100+$10 tourny to try and ship it BIG if not I'll give him what he's owed and I'll play a medium stakes donkament and try and ship that.

So that's it. It's a step in the right direction but still not the win I crave. I can only hope and dream for next time.

Untill then, take care nigs

-Anonymous <3

Friday 8 April 2011

Stephen Hawkins runs better than me...

Sup crew, I won't waste any time today as it's 04:04am and I've been playing 6 hours straight and if I have to revel in how terrible I run any more than I have to I'm going to go string myself up.

Right, so I ask my bitch (my GF) if she can deposit £10 for me on her Full Tilt so I can play a quick tournament (yeh she has a FTP account lolz) Anyway, after a few minutes of refusing to deposit followed by a few slaps to the chops, she deposited for me and off I went to play my tournament.

My tournament of choice today was the $12,000 GTD knock out big stack tournament over at fool tilt poker. The buy in was a whopping $12 and you recieved a $2 for every player you knocked out.

Things started well I was just chilling drinking a brew doing my thang and I quickly doubled my stack and then managed to treble it to 9K (you started with 3K for those of you who don't know)

Anyway I was soon reminded not to get my ass too comfortable in my chair as stuff like this started to happen (see the pictures below)

Standard 70/30 but a reminder not to count my chickens

 Obviously a standard beat, early on in the tournament still plenty of play no big deal it's fine, a couple of hands after that this happened...

Cool 7 from heaven brah

Obviously that fucking stupid ass 7 had to flop for that cock stain. I know I had to get something going so I opted to remain calm as opposed to tilting the rest of my stack off. I went to the kitchen, made a brew and grabbed myself a cheese an onion sandwich. After eating the sandwich and nearly passing out from the stench of my own onion and coffee breath I get some pay back when this happened...

The deuce of truth hits the river, fuck yeah!

I raised 3/2 suited in late position and was called by that sweaty agro donkey who was really lose and calling anything. The flop was okay for me and I hit it up with a continuation bet. This prick raises me I call knowing I am good and the turns a king. I check it and he checks, the river is the ever sweet sight of justice. I spike an epic deuce on the river to take the lead. I shove the rest of my stack and donky noob calls me. He gets the bad news and I get his chips OH YEAHH!

Things were starting to look up. A few hands later of playing  my A game another one of these heros shoved all in preflop to my raise with 88 and I snapped with my pocket queens (see picture)

My beautiful ladies vs his 2 big fat ladys
Brilliant I thought. 21k double the average stack this shit's about to get interesting. I grab my £3 beanie hat that smells like shit and placed it ontop of my head to keep my long greasy hair from obscuring my vision. I hit youtube up and play ''Don't stop believing -Journey'' (not that shitty glee version) and begin to gather some epic momentum. I know I can ship this donkament I just need too avoid 2 and 3 outers and I can do it. I'll finally win the first place prize of $4,176, and I can book a week in vegas satellite to the main event, ship that and retire a multi millionaire in a pent house somewhere surrounded by hookers and blow things we're looking up for me :)!

And then this happened...

No 8, no 8, no 8 please no 8, ARGHH FUCK YOU 8!!!

Donk was shoving near enough every hand looking to double up. I raised preflop and he came over the top of me I called knowing I was good. All I had to do was avoid that shitty fucking 8 but nope, I couldn't avoid drowning in the sahara fucking desert, let alone avoid 1 of 3 remaining 8s! At this point moral is low. The blinds are increasing I've lost my comfortable stack. I go on to make the money and place 180th place out of 2,531 entrants. Which is really fucking crap $7 profit for 4 hours work. That's slave labour, I should be sewing fool tilt for the minimum wage requirements but whatever, fuck them.

Anyway to cut a long story short my stack slowly deteriated, I lost a couple of coin flips to ass clinging short stackers and eventually got it all in with A/J against someone who was shoving near enough every hand but this time he happened to wake up with A/K to have me dominated like they always fucking do. See picture below.

He has A/K there OBVIOUSLY
So yeah, that was over and I really played well but went after 4 hours work with $7 profit. Yet again aload of shit my big score wasn't meant to be. I also played a $4.40 rush tourny where I ended up bubbling the money and had some dramatic hands where I failed to hit a ton of outs to win the pot see the 2 pictures below, pretty fucking un-real. The other pictures are of my $11 Sit n Go and me losing the last of my dollars on $0.10/$0.25 rush. Have fun viewing my pain :)!

How the fuck do I lose this pot?

Again, how the fuck do I lose??

He shoves the flop, I snap and he gets there....

I raise my button he callls. Checks flop I bet he raises, I call I hit the perfect turn card he bets, I shove, the 4 drops on river and my hand gets counterfeited. Fuck you paired board you fuck.

So that's it for today a stunning £10 down OMG LOL PENNYMENTS!!!11ONEBBQ

But obviously I'm just pissed off I can't ship anything decent for once, just one time ever??

ANYWAY grand national saturday definitely got to get selling my ass up town to raise some cash to stick on some random 50/1 long shot so I can get doing some epic gambling, none of this nickle and dime shit. Planning on playing the Sunday Mirrion on pokerstars in a couple of weeks which should be funny with my trap record. 

Right, this piece of shit took 1 hour and 3 minutes to write and even longer to correct my shitty grammar and typo's and bears absolutely no significance to anything. I still remain hopefull and pray for my big score, obviously it wont come from constantly playing with nickles but hopefully I can hit my streak soon and get high rolling.

Bring on the Sunday Mirrion, let me ship a decent donkament one time just one time that's all I ask...

-Anonymous <3

Tuesday 5 April 2011

It started with a fail and ended with a...

fail, obviously? Looks like my down swing is set to continue.

It all started with a trip to the local shop to buy a UKASH voucher so I could deposit my failure money onto Fool Tilt. Next to this hazardous shit hole of a shop is an even more decrepped William Hill bookies. I decide to go in and have a spin on the roulette machine. As I cased the premises too look for a machine I could have a spin on, I noticed that each one of the 3 machines was occupied. One by a big fat bald bastard who's pink t-shirt was far too tight and made him look like a strawberry strangling a small fat child, another guy who was spinning exactly £12.40 every time and couldn't stop winning, and another fellow (bless his heart) Spinning £1 a time placing the same pound on the same section and writing down the results. I mean come on...What the fuck is he writing the results for? Is he seriously hoping to maybe map out a mathematical algorithm and one day he's going to break William Hill by spinning £1 in the same shitty fuck ball section that pays 5/1 a time? Really? Anyway fuck him, he looked like the love child of Barbara Streisand and Elton John anyway so even if he does crack William Hills machine algortihm I doubt he'd get very far.

ANYWAY, moving on. 

I took the first note of out my pocket and decided whatever it was it was going on the next race I look at which happened to me the 8:19 dogs at Newcastle. I picked a number from random and decided 5 was going to get the £5 I had pulled out mf my pocket. What happened next was pretty confusing at the time. I see 5 grey hounds come out of the traps followed by what can only be described as a donkey on stilts. I laugh to myself and think ''Aww bless look at him'' Only to realise he's wearing an orange coat which signifies that he's my dog, I look up and see hes a 16/1 dog and I quickly screw up my ticket throw it to the ground and walk out laughing without even watching the race.

Onto the shop, I need coca cola so I grab a bottle. The guy who works in this shops alerts me to one of there latest astonishing offers (bearing in mind this is the most expensive shop in the entire history of retail) ''The coke's £1.89 mate, but by 2 and you get 2 free'' So I say ''So can I buy one and get one free?'' He says no you have to buy 2. At this point I realise I'm not fooling for his bullshit marketing ploy to get me to go home with 8 Lires of coca cola, I came here for 1 bottle and a UKASH voucher.

I purchase my UKASH voucher and buy 2 scratch cards which totals to £29.89 £25 voucher, £3 on scratch cards and £1.89 on coca cola.

The scratch cards didn't pan out to well....

Not a good start to the night

Anyway no surprise there. Scratch cards are shite anyway. I would of usually just walked next door and spent my £3 in the roulette machines in Wiliam Hill but as I just explained they were currently being held against there will by balding middle aged men and old aged pensioners who looked like the offspring of a rape involving Elton John and that other Big nosed Jewish woman I mentioned, oh yeah that's it Barbara something.

Live Roulette

Typical fail, split my UKASH voucher into 1 £16 voucher for my poker tournament on fool tilt and a £9 voucher for a blast at the live roulette on bet365. My print screen trigger finger wasn't quite up to speed but I managed to just catch the moment my £9 was taken away from me...

Fuck you 11 you leggy prick

Wasn't too bothered, I had £1.50 on number 30 and £1 on 36 but where does it land? Obviously smack bang in the middle straight into the Judas number 11.

After losing my £9 (£9 lolpennyaments) I deposited my £16 pound to fool tilt with the full intention of playing $3k GTD Round of each Hold 'em and Omaha. I deposited and was about to register when fool tilt told me I didn't have enough money to enter the tournament which was $26 in total. I look into my account to see that the £16 I had deposited was indeed converted into $25.93 fuck you exchange rate, fuck you wall street now I gotta go and risk my whole tournament money to win 7 fucking cents. So that's exactly what I did.I bought in full at $0.10/$0.25 rush and after a rough start this happened...

Good start to the evening

Good start. Not only had I made the 7 cents I needed to enter my donkfest, I also had a few dollars left to enter a sng or something. Or so I thought because a few hands later this happened...

Straighters gonna straight

I raised 3x the bb preflop with my K/10 to be called by the SB. He donk betted and led out on that flop which automatically made me think he had a flush draw. I decided to raise him in the hopes he comes over the top and we race to see if he can make his flush. Instead just called and off to the turn we went. The turn was a 4 which at the time wasn't really a scare card for me. He just checked and I checked behind with the intention of value betting a blank on the river. The river brings a jack which again wasn't really a scare card for me because I had put him on hearts but to my surpirse he bets out $9.50 I knew I was beat, I thought to my self his draw must have been a straight draw and he turned it but I had to pay him off as I was gonna go with the hand on the flop anyway and he could be betting a missed heart draw there, who knows.

Complete cunt. On the upside I can now enter my donkament and have $4 to have a mess around with. I lost the $4 just shoving all in on $0.02/$0.05 rush and quickly lost it.

I had regged for the $3K GTD which didn't start for another 3 or so hours so I decided I couldn't be bothered to wait and un-registered and entered the $4K GTD PLO knock out bounty tournament. This was really silly, as I knew that I was just rushing and would donk my money off. Anyway, it wasn't good I didn't last long I got involved with this really fishy donk and couldn't hit any of my outs to survive. Nothing to really print screen it just wasn't interesting it was a race, we both flopped 2 pair his the better 2 pair but I had the nut flush draw to go with mine but it never came in.

So there you have it, all in all I'm £35 down for the day.Obviously not bad and it's only pennyaments but definitely got to give it a rest for atleast a few days because it's all adding up slowly lol, and I definitely think it's good to have breaks from time to time.

I know I'm writing this to myself and know no one's reading, but if someone is reading remember this. I'm in it for the ride and the adventure. I'm starting off small but hope to end it big. My pipe dream of luck boxing a big donkament might be just that, a pipe dream but who knows maybe one day my pipe dream will come true. Weather it does or it doesn't at least I can say I tried, and had a lot of fun doing so :)!

Untill next time (whenever that may be cos I'm fucking skint now!! LOL) take care of yourselves.

-Anonymous <3

The story so far...(TL;DR)

Right so this is the story so far. Early 2011 and the past few weeks was great for me. It all started when I was completely skint and was checking on a few things and saw I had a whopping £10.00 YES TEN WHOLE POUNDS just sitting there in my paypal account (well not mine but a friends I use because I haven't got my own) 

I deposited this to my friends skybet account where we hit the roulette. We picked 5 numbers each and stuck a pound on each number. Basically, to cut a long story short number 5 popped and from that I managed to get up to a respectable £90. I took the £90 gave my friend £20 and kept the £70. From this £70 I had a nice decent win streak which would see my pocket and my ego bulging!

In the days and weeks that past I had a great few wins on the online roulette, won a poker tournament at the local casino and came 2nd in the same tournament the week after. I felt pretty untouchable. With most of the winnings going on booking my holiday for the summer I left myself enough to make sure I'd be able to hit the casino and play some decent online poker tournaments at full tilt poker.

And then, this happened....

4-5 hours of the best I've ever played only to be 1 outered this close to the final table

"Fuck my life" I muttered. with 15 people left in the $3,000 GTD $26 buy in on full tilt It looked as though I was on course to ship this donkament. I was 2nd in chips when that hand occured but the poker gods (or the RNG RIGTARDS) over at Fool Tilt Poker decided to bring my win streak down to a crushing low. I ended up finishing just in the money which was fucking shit, that donkament was mine for the taking and I should have shipped it.

ANYWAY, no use crying over the past I thought, I'll hit the roulette. Well, what a fail that also was NOTE TO SELF start backing the number 26, I stick £8 on zero and what comes out? His black little friend 26, fuck you 26...

The night after the roulette fail I met a nice gentleman who I met on a forum I frequently abuse and annoy. He sent me $20 on fooltilt and off to the tables we went. From this $20 and about an hour of masturbating with 1 hand and clicking with the other I manged to get it to $35. I then played a $22 SNG which my new found best mate and staker was watching. I shoulda shipped that and all, but I came 2nd for a measley but ok $54. I sent my staker his $20 back (I offered him $30 back but he was very nice and just settled with $20, a true gent!) and saved my $34 untill the morning.

The morning came and this happened....

$47.74 pot, nothing major but yet another blow

Nothing to major about that, it's a completely standard suck out. All in preflop to that stupid cock sucker to my left and he sucks out being a 4/1 underdog. COMPLETELY STANDARD I KNOW, but I thought my win streak may be coming back after that cruel one outer that god stuck up my ass but it appears not. Since then I have also lost a few spins on live online roulette but nothing major and nothing worth documenting.

HOPEFULLY I'll get playing something later tonight and can update this shit with some serious wins, if not I'll think of an innovative way to get to the casino on wednesday to play and ship the donkament they have there.

So that's the story so far, not the best of starts to APRIL but fuck it, I know I'm due a big win. I'll leave you now with one of my favourite quotes.

''To leave a casino with a small fortune, you must go there with a big one''


The blog is up and running!

Sup fags. So I've decided to get documenting everything I do to do with gambling right here on this attention whore blogging site that is

My real aim with this is to publish and document the highs and lows of my degenerate gambling world wide (or just to myself cos I doubt any fucker will actually waste there time reading this crap) 

I'm in no way a high roller, but whatever I've got I'm pretty certain I'll gamble it on anything from online poker to to roulette, dogs, sports and just about anything involved in gambling.

I'll be providing pictures of the highs and the lows of anything I have had a flutter on during that time.

If just one person reads and follows this and gets some enjoyment out of my poor luck and gluttony for sickness then it will all be worth it.

See you at the felt fags!

-Anonymous <3