Friday 15 April 2011

Terrible night.

Hi how are ya etc etc. Anyway, introduction over let's get straight to business. I'll start by saying FUCK YOU FULL TILT POKER. That off my chest I'll start with tonights story.

So basically I'm waiitng for some money to go into the bank, I'm itching to have a go on Fool Tilt and had in my head that I'll just deposit £10 and have a bash at a shitty tourney. I deposit £10 ($16.28) and see their's nothing decent on so I lose it on rush poker cash. I then deposit another £10 and play omaha rush cash. This time I do okay and eventually leave with $50, here's a key hand that got my dollars up.

Anyway after being happy with my $50 I played a sit n go, lost then took some money onto hold 'em rush, which started out great but just slowly became so fucking horrific and brutal I dare even talk about it. Basically I never lost a big pot but a series of smallish ones me flopping a set, them a flush draw and them making there flush etc. Just the usual bullshit nothing to cry about. Anyway, had $8.70 left and decided to flip it ( to those who don't know a flip is a pre arranged all in pre flop between you and another person, you just sit down and go all in no matter what cards you're dealt) Anyway, that turned out to be a load of fucking shit as you can see in the picture below.

Flipping heck
So anyway, poker fail over I did what any stupid cunt degen in my situation would do and that's deposit my last £50 on roulette to see if I can win anything. Now, before I show you the pics you're probably guessing that this failed just as miserabley as the poker did and well, you're right. What fuck's me off about this is, is the fact that I couldn't hit a number on roullette if you picked me up and threw me on the fucking wheel. Anyway, enjoy the screenies.

Great start, £15 spin lands in 11, fuck you 11
There's a screenie missing forgot to save it, but basically I lose the last spin and won on this spin £1 on 32 red

Momentum, just hit 32 can I now hit a couple of numbers so I can withdraw and get the fuck out of here??

Nope, 29 last £22 spin, result was 23 red.

And there you have it, aload of pog wash. Should never have deposited on the live roullette. My inner voice was screaming ''Don't do it you fucking moron!'' but my stupid fat degen fingers deposited the last of my shit. Anyway as I was writing this post I deposited another £10 and had a spin, the ball was in my area but landed in 6. Fuck you 6. I really think that's a sign to give up, but I'll never give up I'm straight up degen for life yo! See screenie below.

Fuck you 6 you black bastard.

Goodnight all, take care xxxx


1 comment:

  1. stick to the poker! you seem to have a edge in that so use it, fuck the roulette!

